Day 8: Fairview, PA to Perry, OH (63.9 miles)


Lake Erie sunset

This stretch was shorter than our average, and we were thankful to have the break.

Today marked our entrance into our third state, Ohio, and, with it, our first storm. While it had rained one day while we were still on the C&O, it was more of a constant drizzle, and we had an easy time of staying dry. Not so this time. As we made our way towards Perry, the clouds got dark and thunder began to roll. We made a wrong turn and almost ended up in a nuclear powerplant, but quickly found our way back to our route. Turns out our destination was on the other side of the petulant. Before long, we were racing to our campsite through a thick rain, hoping there would be a pavilion to dry our cycling gear under.

Thankfully, there was. And, to avoid the storms that would come in through the night, the woman who owned the campsite let us stay in the shower house (for free!). We made dinner under the pavilion, and as the
rain subsided, we watched the storm cross Lake Erie, silhouetted by a flaming orange sun.